Dennis Onuigbo
Happy Sunday beloved people and wonderful friends,
Why does it seem like our struggles on earth are endless, why do we keep producing new varieties of seeds that are genetically modified? Are the original seeds failing? Why are they failing? Why are we experiencing serious weather events? Why are the efforts been made not yielding the desired outcome. Why are efforts to combat certain sicknesses or diseases not yielding the perfect solution. If we walk contrary to God, nature will walk contrary to us because they have a commandment from God not to obey us if we disobey God. And if we face any stage of challenge from nature and still fail to understand that we need to hearken to the statute of God, the struggle becomes even seven times worst. If we walk contrary to God, God will walk contrary to us, so nature will choose to work against us in many ways. This is why most prayers are not answered. We say to the challenge be moved and they refuse because they search us and find disobedience in us. We must prioritize walking in alignment with God and our lives will be transformed to the shock of our mockers or adversaries.
God bless you abundantly.
Dennis Onuigbo (Mr. Simple)
Sunday 16-7-2023 DosimpleTV Broadcast How you can make nature work for or against you