Good day friends and families. One cannot stand against their enemies because there are certain things in their possession which hinder them from victory. These things can be as little as hate, unforgiveness, grudges, disobedience to good counsel, fear, unbelief and doubt.
The solution is not necessarily prayer. Prayer surely can change alot of things but praying with knowledge and understanding gives you an edge. For example, imagine a child whose prayer point is for the father to give her/him money daily but will never listen or obey the instructions of the father. The child definitely will make things harder by his/her disobedience even though his father is the wealthiest man on earth. Would a good father not give anything to an obedient child?
Should the father have said to the child "do not to hurt your neighbour" but the child go about making life miserable for others by stealing, abuse, smoking, showing hatred etc. Would the father happily give good things including money to this disobedient child?
In our 02-09-2023 broadcast,
our attention was drawn to the matter of winning our battles and we are called to purify ourselves by removing those things that make us unworthy children of God. To walk according to the Lord's commandments for our personal discipline and victory. We therefore see that winning is not a rocket science. It takes the grace of God to win in a world bedeviled by the devices of Satan. If we walk according to the statute of God as inscribed in the holy scriptures, the Lord will ensure victory in all our battles. Meaning, battles will come but victory is assured.
Watch our video for more details and how the Israelites lost the battle to the people of AI. Https:// , @dosimpletv.
God bless you,
Dennis Onuigbo